Nino Isakadze, MD, MHS

Patient-Centered Mobile Health TECHnology Enabled Atrial Fibrillation Management (mTECH Afib)
Isakadze, a clinical cardiac electrophysiology fellow and incoming faculty at Hopkins’ School of Medicine, will lead a project to test a digital health intervention for the management of atrial fibrillation (Afib), the most common type of heart arrhythmia. Afib is associated with poor quality of life and increased risk of stroke, heart attack, and death. Evidence shows that modifying risk factors such as weight, physical activity, and tobacco and alcohol use can reduce Afib burden.
Isakadze’s team is working with diverse patients, clinicians, and key stakeholders to design and test an Afib care management program that integrates 1) an Apple watch to track heart health data 2) a mobile app to educate and empower patients in tracking their health and setting health goals, 3) a clinician dashboard with patient data from the mobile app and smartwatch, and 4) individualized weekly health coaching to promote adherence to the virtual program.
Receiving the PhRMA Foundation grant will allow us to generate robust evidence to support the use of digital health technologies to enable risk factor modification for diverse patients with Afib and bridge the critical gap in Afib management. I am confident that digital health tools have tremendous potential to reach people where they are and transform health care delivery.