Amy M. Miller, PhD, is President of the PhRMA Foundation, a leading independent nonprofit that funds foundational academic research advancing drug delivery, drug discovery, translational medicine, health equity, and value-driven health care. Every year, the Foundation provides millions of dollars in funding to about 40 early-career investigators. Dr. Miller leads strategic planning, fundraising, and the recruitment of biopharmaceutical industry experts who comprise the award selection committees.
Dr. Miller has held nonprofit leadership roles for nearly 20 years. Before joining the PhRMA Foundation, she served as President and CEO of the Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR), a leading organization in promoting women’s health. There, she helped make women’s health mainstream by growing science-focused programming along with policy advocacy and education to bring attention to the unique health needs of women. She also led substantial growth in the organization’s funding allowing for significant growth in the organization’s programs. Dr. Miller began her nonprofit leadership career at the Personalized Medicine Coalition (PMC), a 200+ member advocacy coalition focused on advancing the concept of personalized medicine across the health care ecosystem. As Executive Vice President, she led agenda development, public policy advocacy, and operations. Dr. Miller helped the organization successfully advocate for the passage of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and lobbied for a variety of regulatory policies and Presidential initiatives.
Prior to entering nonprofit management, Dr. Miller worked in government. She served as a Policy Analyst and scientific expert in the office of the Director of the National Institute of Mental Health within the National Institutes of Health. She also served as an AAAS legislative fellow and policy adviser to Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), focused on welfare reform and domestic homeland security. She began her career as a researcher at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. She holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of New Orleans and a PhD from the University of Connecticut.