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Q&A with Christopher Cadham: Measuring Population Preferences Around Equity in Health Care 

August 14, 2023

Christopher Cadham, MPH, of the University of Michigan seeks to incorporate U.S. population preferences around equitable allocation of health resources into evaluations of health care interventions.

Determining the value of health care interventions like medicines typically involves balancing costs and patient health outcomes. However, only considering these two factors leaves out other important elements such as equity considerations that influence how the public values health care.

Christopher Cadham, MPH, a doctoral candidate at the University of Michigan, received a 2023 PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship in Value Assessment-Health Outcomes Research for his work on incorporating U.S. population preferences around equitable allocation of health resources into evaluations of health care interventions.

Cadham will field surveys asking respondents to make a series of choices to determine the extent to which individuals are willing to give up total health gains to improve health outcomes for specific groups. The goal is to quantify national preferences around these equity considerations to provide a more comprehensive assessment of the value of various health care interventions.

Watch this video to learn about Cadham and his research.